RVC 0.92
(RAT, not detected by AVP)

by Morpheus Software

aka Remote Viewport Console

Compressed with UPX

Released in september 2001

more versions

Remote Viewport Console (RVC) is a free utility to view (and only view) the
screen of a remote computer across the internet.
It can compress the image as a JPEG or PNG and scale down the screen on the
server end before sending to conserve bandwidth.
It can also listen on any port via the command line,
auto send any given number of frames per second, or wait for a
mouse click before grabbing a frame.
It requires no installation, just put rvs.exe+pthreadvse.dll on the server,
and rvc.exe+pthreadvse.dll on the client and run them. It even works thru Citrix! 

RVC v0.92 Command Line Options
-cHOST  connect to HOST on startup
-d#     set delay in msec between frames sent (0=only when user clicks the
        window, valid range 0-12750 in increments of 50, 12750 = 12.75 sec)
-f#     set image format (0=PNG, 1=JPEG, 2=BMP)
-q#     set JPEG compression quality (1-100, default=50)
-b#     set BPP (8 or 24, default=24)
-g      set faster greyscale conversion mode for 8bpp images of 24bpp desktops
        (this is used anyways when format is JPEG and BPP is 8)
-h#     set remote horizontal scaling (1,2, or 4)
-v#     set remote vertical scaling (1,2, or 4)
-r      set remote resample conversion mode
-s#     set stretch mode (1=blackonwhite, 2=whiteonblack, 3=coloroncolor, 4=halftone)
        (since halftone is only supported under NT/2000, blackonwhite or whiteonblack
        are usually the best choices depending on the text color on screen)
-x#     disable local image stretching and set x offset
-y#     disable local image stretching and set y offset
-wx#    sets the local window horizontal position (default if no -wX# option
-wy#    sets the local window vertical position   is specificed is to maximize
-ww#    sets the local window width               the entire window)
-wh#    sets the local window height

size: 227.328 bytes

port: 1211 TCP

