by Vecna
Written in Assembler (Source included)
Released in January 2001
Schadenfreude (c) Vecna 2001 Anonymous IP/port redirect tool Schadenfreude is composed of a server and a client. The server install itself and run, in a predetermined port, a interface for a client create, list and delete new ip/port redirections. The server can be compiled to install itself to run in every boot, and use stealth functions, patching kernel32.dll in memory to hide his process and .exe file in disk. After you connect with the client to the server, you can create ip/port redirect, to hide your true IP in the internet. If you type, in the editboxes left the redirect button, "" and "6667", and then press the button, the server will reply with a port number, that will be added to the active ip/ports redirect list. You can delete this redirection copying the port number it was assigned to the editbox at left of remove button, and pressing it. To access the redirected ip/port, you must connect to the server�s IP and in the port returned for this redirect. You will be connecting to the original IP/port, but hidding your own IP from the destiny IP. Vecna Server: C:\WINDOWS\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\xxxxxxxx.exe (xxxxxxxx = random number) size: 4 KB port: 1081 TCP startup: C:\WINDOWS\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\StartUpMegaSecurity