by [sd]
Written in C++, source included
Released in may 2002
sdbot 0.5a (test release) by [sd] =================================== how to edit the source file ----------------------------- extract the files from the zip into a folder, and look for a file called 'sdbot05a.c' (LCC) or 'sdbot05a.cpp' (MSVC++). these are source files for sdbot. the contents of both files are exactly the same, they are seperate files mainly for the sake of convenience. near the beginning of the source file, you'll see a section with the title '// bot configuration' at the top of it. simply edit the strings in this section to whatever you want. if you're not compiling with LCC or MS Visual C++, you may have to insert numbers into the brackets that correspond to the string length. make sure that the number in brackets is at least the length of the string plus 1. for example, i might change: const char botid[] = "sdbot2"; // bot id to: const char botid[9] = "sdbot123"; // bot id ^-changed to 9 (length of string plus 1) the section directly above that one has a few sample aliases in it, modify those however you want, making sure that there's a '\' at the end of all the aliases except the last one, and that maxaliases is set to a number greater than the number of aliases. there are a bunch of #define lines with '//' in front of them. removing the '//' from the beginning of one will cause a particular function to be disabled. for example, NO_SYSINFO controls whether or not the system info command is included in the compiled exe. how to compile with lcc ------------------------- first of all, you'll need LCC (which you can get from installed on your system. edit the make.bat file to point to your lcc folders then run it. an exe file should appear in the folder that you extracted the files to. how to compile with MS Visual C++ ----------------------------------- simply open the included project file in MSVC++, and press Build -> Rebuild All. Ignore the warnings, MSVC can be stupid sometimes =P note: sdbot has not been thoroughly tested when compiled with MSVC++ how to pack the exe --------------------- if you want to pack the exe (to make it smaller) i would recommend that you use UPX, which is available at just put upx in the folder with your sdbot exe, then run: upx --best sdbot05a.exe changes since last release ---------------------------- added option to select Run, RunServices, or both for autostart fixed several login bugs fixed kick autologout bug added master updating for master nick change split sysinfo into sysinfo and netinfo added host by irc server stuff to netinfo added temporary server change (.server) added dns lookup command (.dns) added silent (-s) parameter added c_rndnick command fixed buffer overflows fixed a few issues with update added check to see if exe is running already added topic command option added option for backup server (in case bot can't connect to original server) fixed several bugs in the alias system added '$server' variable added '$chr()' variable made small improvements to the udp function rewrote ping command (uses icmp.dll now) fixed redirect thread kill bug shouldn't crash on computers with an old wininet.dll various improvements elsewhere [sd] Server: c:\WINNT\system32\cnfgld32.exe size: 35.360 bytes startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Configuration Loader" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices "Configuration Loader" remark: tested on win2000MegaSecurity