Shut'em All 2.0 Gamma

by Hard Wisdom

Written in Visual C++

more versions

USAGE: SHUTALL.EXE <KEY> [MachineName] [Parameters]
WHERE: /? - show brief help
         /HELP - show brief help too ;-)
         /CLIENT - start in CLIENT mode
         /SERVER - start in SERVER mode
         /DIR - show list of all active computers
         // - ignored, may be used as comment quote
         =MACRO - execute commands from given file
         .SHUTDOWN - itself ;-)
         .REBOOT - itself ;-)
         .POWEROFF - itself ;-)
         .LOGOFF - itself ;-)
         .EXECUTE - exit and then do command ;-P
         .SPAWN - do command without exiting
         .HALT - stop execution of itself and quit
         .MESSAGE - show MessageBox()
         .LOCK - lock workstation
         .UNLOCK - unlock workstation
         .PASSWORD - change activation password
         .RELOAD - reload clients
         !RUN - execute command locally
Hard Wisdom		 

size: 33.280 bytes

server icon is visible in the systray
