by inch
Written in Borland C++
Released in October 2002
Skun is freeware application. _server telnet commands: msg_error <text of error mesage> msg_warning <text of warning message> msg_question <text of question message> msg_info <text of information message> ls <dir> cat <file> rm <file> exec <file> shellexe <file> open_cd close_cd monitor_off monitor_on swap_mouse <true><false> startbtn <hide><show> passwd set_welcomemsg <welcome message> set_loging <on><off> set_passwd <new password> set_port <port> whoami _mIRC commands: infected_? givemepasswd givemeop changetitle disconnectnow showdisk exitwindows swapmouse speaker quickturnoff disablemouse disablekeyboard inch Server: c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\task.tsk size: 197.120 bytes port: 122 TCP startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Microsoft Task Control" c:\windows\win.ini, [windows] "run" added to registry: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.tsk added files: c:\mIRC\script.ini c:\mIRC\strunlog.tmpMegaSecurity