by Jack Lane
Written in Visual Basic, compressed with UPX
Released in August 2005
1. Commands for Snowdoor V2.3 Type one of these commands into the box and press send. crash beep block unblock warn black normal notepad fatal cdopen cdclose flash website1 website2 website3 hermine execute del critical quest mousejumpon mousejumpoff bscreen (If you type a command, that is not in the list, at the server appears a Message-Box, with the text you�ve entered.) N E W : I�ve putted a Control Panel in! Now you mustn�t type all into a textbox! You can siply click on a button! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Command explainings: crash: Runs notepad until the system crashes beep: gives out a beep. block: locks keybord and mouse on the remote computer unblock: unlocks keyboard and mouse warn: gives out a fake warning message: "System irrepareabel besch�digt. Das system muss gel�scht werden. Weiter mit OK." black: black screen and mouse & keyboard are blocked normal: restores the normal screen after the "black" & "fatal" & "hermine" & "flash" command notepad: opens notepad fatal: gives out a faked "blue-screen" cdopen: opens the cd-drive cdclose: closes the cddrive flash: screen flashes in black and white (changes every millisecond the color from black to white and from white to black in fullscreen-mode) website1: opens a german porno-site website2: opens a counterstrike-website website3: opens the homepage of the white house in USA hermine: shows a picture of Emma Watson execute: first type execute and send the command with the "send" button. Then Type in the box the complede path to the file and send it with the button. Now you have executed the file. del: Operates like the execute command, but instead of opening, it deletes files. critical: Operates like the execute, but it gives out a message with the critical symbol and the text you have sent as second. quest: operates like the above, but as a question-box mousejumpon: The cursor jumps over the screen... mousejumpoff: switches off the mousejumper bscreen: first send "bscreen" to the server. Then Send The text U want to have in the blackscreen. Now at the Server appears a Black screen with the text you have sendt. all other things you type and are not in the list: gives out a message-box with the text in it, who you have typed (example: you type "hallo" and press send. Then at the remote computer appears a Message-box with the exclamation-symbol and the text "hallo".) Jack Lane Server: dropped files: c:\boot.sys Size: 49,719 bytes c:\Program Files\configs.txt.pif Size: 49,719 bytes c:\WINDOWS\ctfmon32.bak Size: 49,719 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\boot.exe Size: 49,719 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\ Size: 49,719 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\TFTP0401 Size: 49,719 bytes HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Windows SSH boot" data: C:\WINDOWS\system32\boot.exe e m 3 2 \ tested on Windows XP August 07, 2005MegaSecurity