SSPPYY version 2
( for server)


Commercial Spy Software

more versions

example of image shown by server installer

SSPPYY is all in one software solution for monitoring the spouse co-worker, wife, children, employees, or just about any
other person you   may concerned of that is using your PC.
SSPPYY is a powerful, discrete remote web based surveillance and administration suite 
SSPPYY offer users the ability to remotely monitor a machine via a web interface without even having physical access to that PC.
Simply send SSPPYY software via email and it will install instantly! Once SSPPYY has been installed, you have full
control and monitoring power of that remote computer via a web interface! 
No matter if that computer has a firewall or is online or offline SSPPYY will still capture all events. 

Ssppy lets you know when someone is using the computer in an inappropriate manner and lets you monitor all emails (AOL, Outlook emails), 
chat conversations (Yahoo, MSN, AOL, ICQ), application run, keystokes, remotely view the desktop and more!


dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\dpserver2.dll        size: 360.448 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\mailsettings.pc2     size: 0 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\register.exe         size: 122.880 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\restrictedwords.pc2  size: 9 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\ScrCapt.exe          size: 86.016 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\scvhost.exe          size: 606.208 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\server.exe           size: 516.096 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\serverd.exe          size: 667.720 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\clrprv.oo\update.exe           size: 556.163 bytes

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "pcServer"
