Stealth Proxy

by Kane

Written in Delphi

Released in April 2001

Stealth Proxy for Windows 95/98/NT/2000

OK. Neccesity is the mother of invention and this was something I needed a while back
and finally got around to making. Basically, it's a SOCKS 4/5 proxy server that runs
in the background with no obvious signs that it's doing so.
The idea is, if you have access to a machine and want do 'stuff' anonymously and
don't trust public 'anonymous' proxy servers this might be for you.

1) Copy all the files to the windows directory.
2) Register the support files:

	regsvr32 /s firewallx.dll
	regsvr32 /s firewallx.ocx

3) Execute proxys.exe

The proxy runs on port 1212. You might want to add an entry to the registry to make
it start on bootup.

This is just a taster. In the near future I'll release a better version with configurable
ports and an option to chain proxies together. Maybe some encryption wouldn't go amis.
In the mean time have fun!

- Shouts to KLP and the Tiger Team crew -

Authored by Kane...........

size: 336.384 bytes

port: 1212 TCP

