Stubbos 1.0
(Backdoor.Win32.Stub.e for StubbEditor.exe)
(Backdoor.Win32.Stub.f for StealKeys.dll)
(Backdoor.Win32.Stub.g for webcam.dll)

by P0ke

Written in Delphi, source included

Released in March 2005

more versions

  Bot-Name	: Stubbos
  Version	: 1.0 Beta Release, PRIVATE Edition
  Creator	: p0ke
  Features of Stubbos
  1. Real nicknames (such as "betty" "frans" etc)

  2. 14 Different Spread Methods
  2.a NetBios
  2.b MyDoom
  2.c Beagle Version 1
  2.d Beagle Version 2
  2.e NetDevil
  2.f Optix
  2.g Sub7
  2.h ICQ
  2.i MSN
  2.j DC++
  2.k MassMail
  2.l IRC
  2.m P2P
  2.n PE-Infector
  3. Creates webserver.
  4. DCC Support (Can send and receive files)
  5. Directory List (Can send list of choosen dir)
  6. Spy Function (Spyes on other channels)
  7. Plugin Support (Can load any plugin)
  8. Only 1 admin at a time, lowers the risk of takeovers
  9. Has clone-support
  10. Process List/Kill Support
  11. Raw commando possibility

  Commandos of Stubbos
  .login <password>						- Loggs you into bot. Wrong password gets reported
  .logout 							- Loggs you out.
  .newnick							- Changes bot's nickname
  .die								- Kill bot (or kill clone)
  .info	1							- Gives you info about spreading
  .info 2							- Gives you ip-address and hostname
  .silence <1/0>						- Turns on/off the silence-mode
  .listdir <dir>						- Sends you a list of all files in dir (with size, attributes, md5 hash)
  .listproc							- Sends you a list of all running processes
  .killproc <PID>						- Kills the given ProcessID.
  .getfile <filename>						- Sends you the file if it exists
  .download <url> <save as> <execute>				- Downloads a file and execute if admin wants to
  .spyon <channel> <report to chan/user>			- Spyes on the choosen channel, and reports back to choosen channel or user
  .spyoff							- Turns spy off.
  .clone <server> <nick> <chan> <key> <pass> <port> <numbers>   - Makes <numbers> of clones of the current bot
  .plugin <filename> <additional data>  			- load the plugin and calls for "init" procedure.
  .raw <raw data>						- sends raw-data to server.
  .execute <path + filename>					- executes the given file
  .delete <path + filename> 					- deletes the given file
  .uninstall							- uninstalles the bots and quit

  Included plugins:
    StealKeys.dll						- Steals cdkeys for some games and apps
    webcam.dll							- Able to see webcam pictuer at (http://_ipaddress_:81/wc.png) or (wc.bmp)
    Example.dll + Source					- Example source for creating your own dll's

tested on Windows XP
April 11, 2005
