
by Agent Hacker

Written in Visual Basic

Released in October 2004

Extension: EXE
My server size: 386KB
Server that came with Sub7: 380KB
Icon: TXT File
Type: Trojan Horse/Backdoor
Coded by Agent Hacker in VB
Affects ALL windows...Not sure if it works in SP2...cause of that stupid Firewall thing..BLOCK/unblock BLA BLA BLA.......
Maybe my next project will be...DESTROY that CRAP FW!!


"SubAH" is actually a trojan that will DOWNLOAD the backdoor "SUB7"(Server)...
The server is edited by me,,,so that AV/FW programs don't detect it...
y'all know how SUB7 works, don't you?!

Anyway..the good thing in my THAT it works FINE...UNDETECTED...and cool...
it's like a another Version of subseven but UNDETECTED!!
P.S: Anyone can do it...easy!

I tried to BIND IT, unpacking it then re-pack it with another packer but this DID not work...AV keeps Disallowing it to be EXECUTED!!

About the can download it from here: the client...the server, you already got it!! :) )

PLZ try ain't domaging anything...

P.S: If you guys find any bugs plz Notify me by sending me a message to: [email protected]
+ NO FLAMES!! Just comment...NO FLAMES!

Trojans Problems Resolver,

 Agent Hacker :)

dropped file:
size: 13,824 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "(Default)"
data: SubAH.exe 

tested on Windows XP
June 25, 2005
