SubSeven 1.0

by Mobman

Written in Delphi

Released in February 1999

Made in Runania

more versions

                              (BO/NetBus clone)
                                Copyright 1999

[ d e s c r i p t i o n ]
SubSeven can be used as a remote administrating tool or as a hacking tool.
it consists of two files: server.exe and SubSeven.exe. to use it, run
server.exe on the victim's computer, find his/her ip number then run SubSeven
from your computer. that's about it, after that you can _really_ have some
fun with the victim.

[ h o w   i t   w o r k s ]
well, it's pretty easy. the first time you run server.exe on a computer,
a fake error message will apear [saying: error loading system resources].
after that, the program installs itself into the memory, and starts every
time windows is restarted. SubSeven.exe is the main program you use to
connect to the server.

[ f e a t u r e s ]
 + send messages or questions to the victim's computer with the specified
   message or question. you'll be noticed of the victim's answer
 + open the default browser at the specified address
 + hide or show the Start button
 + take a screen shot of the victim's desktop. the image will be shown and
   saved as desktop.jpg
 + disable keyboard
 + chat with the victim. a small ICQ-like chat window will appear on both
   computers. the difference is that on the victim's computer, the chat
   window will _always_ stay on top. while chatting, you can do a few things
   like: hide the victim's typing space [meaning, the small window where the
   victim types will dissappear] start/stop his/her PC Speaker.
   the victim will _not_ be able to close the chat, so if you don't close it
   it'll be stuck there the whole time :)
 + start/stop the victim's PC Speaker. [i thought it'll be nice to tell the
   victims about the good-old PC Speaker]
 + restart windows. don't abuse it though.
 + open/close the CD-ROM
 + set the length of the victim's mouse trails. [you know, that annoying
   trail you can set windows to add to your mouse pointer]
 + set a password for the server. [that's if you don't want other people
   with SubSeven using that server]
 + get all the active windows on the victim's computer. after that you can:
    - close a specified window
    - enable/disable a specified window [the victim will or will not be
      able to interact with it]
    - disable the close button on a specified window
 + get a list of all the available drives on the victim's computer
 + turn monitor on/off. this only works on the monitors that _can_ be turned
   off programatically
 + show/hide the taskbar.
 + get more information about the victim's computer. like: windows version,
   user name, company name, screen resolution, etc.
 + change the server name. the server will save itself with the specified name
 + listen for all the pressed keys. you'll see all the keys pressed by the
   victim. useful to get passwords.
 + record. yep, exactly what it says. you specify the number of secounds to
   record for, and the server will send you the recorded file when it's
   finished. the file will be saved as soundfile.wav [note: this only works
   for victims who have a microphone installed]
 + file manager. you can easily see all the files and folders on the victim's
   computer. when you double click on a diretory, the server will change to
   that directory. when you select a file, you can:
    - get the file's size
    - download it
    - set it as wallpaper [only if it's a JPG or BMP file]
    - delete it
    - play it on the victim's computer [only if it's a WAV file]
    - execute it [the program assigned to open that file will obe launched
      on the victim's computer]
 + reverse/restore mouse buttons. this is awsome when you play some kind
   of multiplayer game with the victim]
 + set the online notification on/off. by using an e-mail server, you can
   enable the server to send you a message on ICQ [to the specified UIN] every
   time the victim connects to the internet. [you'll receive the victim's ip
   number in the message, so this is useful if the victim is connected with a
   modem and he/she changes ip numbers every time he/she connects] the harder
   part is finding an e-mail server you can use to send those messages. you
   can use the default server or userid. if that doesn't work, try searching
   the victim's hard drive for eudora. if you're lucky and you find it,
   download eudora.ini and view it. look for something like: "smpt server" and
   use that server. if you do that, don't put anything for User ID.
 + close the server on the victim's computer. [note: the server will
   start again next time the victim starts windows]

well, that's about it.
i didn't have too much time [or testers] to test it, so you might find some
bugs in it. if you do find any send me an e-mail and tell me bout it.

hope you have fun with it,

size: 250.368 bytes
