by System33r
Written in Visual Basic
Released in september 2003
System33r Stealth Downloader (PUBLIC BETA) * What This Is... * In simple terms: It is a Web Downloader. It can be used to download Any file you wish from any website and then either execute it hidden, normal or just download (Save to disk...) It has the ability to temporarily disable over 750 Firewalls and Anti-Virus programs/services (They are all encrypted...) Server can, if defined, delete itself after execution. You also have the ability to pack it with either fsg or upx. The Server Compiler has a slick interface and is easy to use. * FEATURES * - Melt Server - Extreme FW/AV Kill (Over 750 AV/FW in the list!) - Encryption - Small 32kb unpacked, with all options enabled (FW/AV kill, Melt, URLs etc) - Ability to pack with either fsg or upx! - Server has good Error Handling - Easy to-use GUI - If UPX packing is specified it also scrambles the Server =) - If it cannot kill a process it operates silently without errors - Runs in the background (Hidden from taskmgr etc etc) - Ability to define wether downloads should be executed hiddenly, visible or don't execute at all just download them... - Undetected from ALL anti-virus software! Yup... - No limitations on how many downloads that can be downloaded * V0.3b changes: * - re-did the "compiler" a bit - changed both stubs: they are much smaller now (Some optimizations too) - added 9 new AV/FW to be killed - did changes to the UPX scramble function - removed md5 related stuff, it's just not needed. I was only experimenting =) - I was gonna add a feature which would allow You to add bytes to the servers, but i messed up =( - takes a bit of time to pack with UPX, but that's because VB is a bitch =/ Just be patient. System33r Server: size: 21.183 bytes (unpacked) startup: noneMegaSecurity