by System33r (k0nsl)
Written in C & Visual Basic
Released in march 2004
Features: - Subseven CGI Notification - Dynamic DLL Injection - Small ASM Loader - C Stub - Some Settings are Encrypted - Server Builder is Compiled in Visual Basic 5 - Small Server Size. 9kb Compressed (UPX: latest unstable) KAV doesn't show the server as being packed when packing it with these parameters: %upxdir%\upx --best --all-methods --all-filters %EXE% This version (v0.0.2) is STABLE. All features in the Editor is editable and it works 100% this far. Thanks a bunch to r3l4x for making the Editor! The server editor will be given a new GUI at the next release, but right now i am focusing on improving the socks4 server. k0nsl Server: size: 19.456 bytes startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesMegaSecurity