System33r Tiny Webdownloader fwb 0.1

by System33r

Released in december 2003

more versions

- System33r Tiny Webdownloader fwb -
Author: System33r (k0nsl)
Version: 0.1 (Injection Edition)
Language: ASM and C++
Beta Tester: (none)

This is a very simple webdownloader in all perspectives. It only has the most basic
features a webdownloader should have: download a file from to a Location
specified and Execute it.
Huge thanks to my man drocon! :P

So how does it work?
First it will inject into Explorer and if it Injects Succsessfully then it will 
start Downloading...And when it is done downloading & executing the file
then it will unload the dll.
Open Create.exe you will be prompted to enter a "Url" the Url is the location of 
the file you wish to download, eg
Just enter your Url and hit Enter and you will be prompted to enter the location where
to download the file "Exe", just enter something like: C:\downloaded.exe and hit Enter and
there you go everything done. Just deploy it...Pack & Scramble etc.


size: 1.536 bytes

