System33r Tiny Webdownloader fwb 0.2 fix

by k0nsl

Released in january 2004

more versions

- System33r Tiny Webdownloader fwb -
Author: System33r (k0nsl)
Version: 0.2-fix (FWB Edition)
Language: ASM


This is a very simple webdownloader in all perspectives. It only has the most basic features a webdownloader should have:
download a file from to a Location specified and Execute it.

In the configuration tool, you can specify the full path (eg; C:\downloaded.exe) or just put "downloaded.exe" for location.
It works both ways...

There are issues when packing with FSG 1.33, which is pretty sad since the compression ratio is damn good...UPX compression
ratio for small ASM Projects SUCKS...ALOT. I'll see if i can sort it out...but even the unpacked size for a FWB downloader is pretty OK.

Added Melt, Win9x Support, Now using EliCZ's Static lib (EliRT 1.00), Optimized the Code (Can be even better...!)


size: 5.120 bytes

