by tt
Written in Delphi
Released in December 2003
---------------------------------------------- Theef v2.00 Beta 5 Public 22/December/2003 ---------------------------------------------- This is the latest Beta, yeah it's still unfinished... Try the different options out, there's much more added since there was a previous beta version. I should be able to work some more on it in the new year, so if there is anything that needs reporting please post on the forums. Should be compatible with all Microsoft OS's, if there are any compatibility issues then report them. The server in the archive is uncompressed, and needs to remain this way if you want to edit it, once it's been edited you can compress it, etc. Unfinished stuff; * Event Manager * IM Spies * Few options in Editserver There may be other things too, which I can't remember of the top of my head. If nothing seems to be happening then check the command log and connection statistics windows. All bug reports/comments/ideas to the forum please! Thanks to all the Beta testers so far and everyone on the forums. Cheers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ttMegaSecurity
Server: dropped file: c:\WINDOWS\vbrun32_.exe size: 681.474 bytes port: 2968, 6703 TCP startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "VBRuntime" added: c:\WINDOWS\_wincd32.drv c:\WINDOWS\wmmov32.drv