XZip 6

by Blade
modified by ?

Trojan from Romania

XZip features:

-Reboot victims computer
-Find out victims windows
-Upload files
  Any file, you can make
  it 'autorun' after the
  upload too.
  Use the 'and run' option
  for this!
-Run files 
  Even ones that are already
  on the victims computer!

10 steps to XZip:

1  rename xzip.exe to any .exe you want
   (for example: picture.exe)
2  then send the file to a victim
3  then find out his/her IP address
4  and fill it in the IP box in the client
5  fill in this port number : 60068
6  fill in this password : xzip
7  then press connect
   Wait a few seconds for a reply!
   But you can click as often as you want!
8  Click on 'windir'
9  use the 'map' icon to choose which file
   to send to the victim
10 enable the 'and run' option and then
   click on 'upload' to upload/execute
   the chosen file. Be patient, this can
   take a while!

And remember to always use port:60068 and password:xzip

You might want to use an bandwidth/data transmission monitor
to see when the upload has finished. On some systems the
progress bar get's to 100% much to early. So give it some TIME!

       (Re-)build by ExTRicaT0R
          ICQ UIN 60000689
          []D.[]D.   =^-^=
     email address [email protected]

size: 4 KB

