U-Boot IIA Beta 0.8 (d)

by stuka

Written in Visual Basic

Released in February 2004

Made in Germany

more versions

The commands are:

"Alert" - Puts the server into active mode, speeding up communication.
"RedAlert" - Even faster.
"Standby" - Back to standby mode.

"Stop" - Stops the server; it will restart with Windows again.

"Run" - Executes the file specified in the next line. An absolute path is required.
"Delete" - Deletes the file specified in the next line.
"Dload" - Downloads the file specified in the next line using OpenURL. This does not require authentication, so you can download from anywhere.
"FTPU" - Uploads the file specified in the next line to the webserver. This must be the one specified when you configured the server.
"FTPD" - Downloads the file specified in the next line, with the name and path given in the second line.

"DirMap" - Maps the drive or directory specified to the designated file.
 Will return subdirectories only, not files, and uploads the file automatically.

"FileMap" - Returns the files and subfolders in the specified directory.
 Be careful not to map a huge disk or network in one go, it may take a long time.

"LogOn" - Starts the keylogger. Will log until the logfile reaches the size specified in the next line, then uploads it.

"LogStop" - Stops the keylogger and uploads the last file.

The script can be uploaded through the editor - don'T forget to configure it by FTPCfg -, but then you are only as safe as the website provider: your IP will be in his logs.
To maximize your anonymity, create the script and upload it through FTP or web, using proxies. 
The editor uses C:\ as a temp storage. The Unit ID should be the bare UID, like U-015F.


dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\dump.dmp    size: 155.648 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\server.exe  size: 155.648 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "server"
data: C:\WINDOWS\server.exe 

tested on Windows XP
November 17, 2004
