Un-detected 2.3a server

by Knox_rw

Compressed with UPX

Released in August 2000

more versions

= undetected 2.3a - recompiled server&bind modules                    =
it seems that the guyz from AVP are working hard and now their product
detects the "undetected".
AVP reports:
for the muerte version : Backdoor.TDS.Muerte
for the 4fuk version: Backdoor.TDS.4F
for the se version: Backdoor.TDS.SE
for the binder modules: Trojan.Win32.TrojanRunner.Levil

this version of the server is undetected now but will not be like that
4ever.enjoy !
if u want to make your own undetected server then unpack it and pack
with your favorite packer then use the editserver to configure.

 KnoX_rw - [email protected]
 The Dark Side 2ooo

dropped file:

size: 20.480 bytes 

port: 777 TCP 

tested on Windows 98
November 26, 2004
