mini web 1.0 (a)
(TrojanDownloader.Win32.Aphex.10.a for Editor)
(TrojanDownloader.Win32.Apher.gen for Server)

by Illwill

Written in Assembly

Released in June 2002

more versions

mini-web vers. 1.0
Coded by illwill in ASM
a 1kb webdownloader that will download any file from a 
website and execute it.
works on win9x/me/nt/2k
*only 1kb unpacked making it one of the smallest webdl's to date

1. extract all files from zip to a folder
2. open up editor.exe
3. select the  ... to browse for server.exe
4. once server selected press read
5. change the settings to your liking
	a.url: is the address of the file you want to download
	b.exe: is the name of the file is called after downloading

shout outs to: stan,gobo,mcbain,macker,code
the crazy canadians phr0stic and freedumb (what's this aboot, eh?)
code-ripping award goes to: Aphex 
(vb/delphi coder who rips source from everywhere even asm sources)
This program  comes  with  absolutely  no  warranty of any
kind. Use this program solely  at your risk. The author of
this  program  will  not  be   held  responsible  for  any
damages caused by this program.So if you fuck yer shit up 
dont come crying to me. :)


size 1.024 bytes

