Webdownloader 1.0

by TiGeR756

Written in PowerBasic, server compressed with UPX

Released in August 2004

more versions

This is a new webdownloader, which will uninstall itself after the download finished. 
Your URL is encrypted with simple XOR and the downloader will wait until user is online and starts then
the download and executes the file. Works on every Windows platform. No firewall bypass. 
Max URL length: 40 letters. Server size is 9kb and no runtimes are required to run the server.


+ Works on Windows 9x/NT/XP
+ Works with Dial-Up and Cablemodem
+ Downloads very fast
+ Uninstalls itself after the download and execution had finished
+ Waits until the user is online and starts then the download
+ Encrypts your URL with simple XOR
+ Server size is only 9 Kbyte
+ Server does not need any runtime files

- No StartUp (will be added in the next version)
- Url only 40 letters.


size: 9.257 bytes (UPX packed)

