WSRemote 1.3
(Not detected by KAV on July 11, 2007)

by heroin

Compressed with UPX

Released in September 2004

 # Short Introduction to Wsremote | 1.3           
 Since the installation of the XP Support Tools you have the ability to bind the I/O of your 
 command line interpreter(cmd) via Windows sockets directly to a port.
 You only have to start Wsremote. There is no need to start the telnet server before.
 Wsremote acts as server and client. How it operates depends on the starting parameters. 
 /s - act as server
 /c - act as client
 Optional parameters:
 /u - username
 /p - password
 Example parameters for starting a server:
 c:\>wsremote /s cmd 1023 /u heroin /p lovesyou 
 Example parameters for starting a client:
 c:\>wsremote /c Target-IP 1023 /u heroin /p lovesyou
 Additional notes:
 If you try to telnet to a Wsremote server port, you will get the "Authfaild" error message, because
 you are connecting to a stream and not to a telnet server.
 Wsremote is quite secure because you have the option to use a username and a password.
 It won't use the WinXP inbuild Security Account Manager which means, you can choose whatever
 you desire there. 
 Example server with no password:
 c:\>wsremote /s cmd 1023

