Written in Assembly
Released in November 2001
Zaratustra MiniTrojan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Not very usefull, but small. It isnt auto-installer, so place it in the target. It'll listen on port 660. The client will upload a file with maximum size of 64Kb, and server will play it in root directory under the name of <x.exe> server.exe - 1.385 bytes (I really love ASM) client.exe - 3.132 bytes Using Client ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: C:\>client.exe /? Usage: client.exe file.exe is the host listening on port 660 and file.exe need to be smaller than 64 Kb NBK [MATRiX] | 2001 | ----====Zaratustra MiniTrojan Client v0.99====---- Type /? for help NBK [MATRiX] PS: port 660 = 'm'+'t'+'x'+'n'+'b'+'k' NBK [MATRiX]MegaSecurityServer: size: 1.385 bytes port:660 TCP startup: none