Everything about trojans and how to use their options by tHe mAnIaC

| | | | contact me at:[email protected] | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |-| |-| -=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x-=x -=x | |-| |-| | | | | | HACK OR BE HACKED | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | {- Never think you know everything.There's always someone out there that knows more than you -} A lot of people ask me the same question how to use trojans,how to infect someone,what is a trojan and how is the trojan working so I decided to write this guide and explain everything about the trojan horses and how to use them. {-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}={-}= First I'll tell you what a trojan horse is. A trojan horse is -An unauthorized program contained within a legitimate program. This unauthorized program performs functions unknown (and probably unwanted) by the user. -A legitimate program that has been altered by the placement of unauthorized code within it; this code performs functions unknown (and probably unwanted) by the user. -Any program that appears to perform a desirable and necessary function but that (because of unauthorized code within it that is unknown to the user) performs functions unknown (and probably unwanted) by the user. Trojans can also be called RAT's, or Remote Administration Tools. The trojan got it's name from the old mythical story about how the greeks during the war, gave their enemy a huge wooden horse as a gift. They accepted this gift and they brought into their kingdom, and during the night, greek soldiers crept out of the horse and attacked the city, completely overcoming it. So you now know what a trojan horse is.The trojan horse has a client and a server.If you want to rule someone's computer you should make him or her run the server file.The you should just connect to them with the client and of course with their IP written there. *NOTE If you want to get someone's IP via ICQ just see it in their info or go in dos and write "netstat" you'll see it there If the user is on IRC just write /dns nickname and of course put the user nickname ************************************************************************************** Most of the new trojans has options that when the victim run the server it will e-mail you back their IP and other information.It will e-mail it to every e-mail you want using their STMP server. Now you should make the victim run the server you can tell that it's some kind of program or something else use your imagination.Then when you have their IP just write it down in the client click "Connect" button and then you can what you want on their computer of course with the options that the trojan has. Each trojan has it's own set of functions, or abilities Almost every trojan out now has the ability to use a file manager. When they run this, the user will be able to view/delete/move/upload/download/execute any file off your hard drive(s).The file manager ability can be very dangerous. It lets the user able to upload any type of file, virii, other trojans, etc, and then RUN them. There are also many other dangerous abilities that these trojans possess. Some just feature a button that will let you simply format the victim's C:/ drive, which would totally erase their hard drive. Other dangerous functions include being able to start a FTP server on the victim's hard drive, and setting a designated port so anyone could download/upload/execute files on your pc. Most new trojans have the ability to steal your list of cached passwords, and even your dailup account password and user name. Another very malicious ability is that for example Sub Seven, has a feature to allow you to modify the startup registry info. That can be very dangerous to your computer. Then they usually have less dangerous abilities, such as hide mouse, control mouse, restart windows, send to URL, show picture, notepad flood, etc. These aren't very harmful, but can be very annoying, and scary to someone who has no clue what is happening to him/her. /--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--//--/--// Now I'll tell you how are the trojans working When the victim runs the server it does functions like opening some specific port and listening for connections.It can use TCP or UPD protocols. When you connect with the victim IP the you can do what you want because the server let you do the trojan functions on the infected computer.Some trojans restart every time Windows is loaded. They modify win.ini or system.ini so the trojan can restart but most of the new trojans use the registry so they can restart. Some trojans has unique options like get ICQ UIN,add me to the victim contact list,ICQ spy that let's you see all the messages that the victim is sending via ICQ etc. Trojans are dangerous thing and they can destroy completely. A lot of people ask me what will the hacker do once he's on your computer.Well the common data a hacker looks for would include but not limit to the following. Credit Card Information Credit Information Checking Account Information Any accounting data Data bases Mailing Lists Personal Addresses Email Addresses Account Passwords Home Office / Small Business Information Company Accounts / Subscribed for Services Resumes Email Any Company Information / Services He Can Access Your or spouse's first and last name Children's names / ages Your address Your telephone number Letters you write to people Email Your personal resume Your family pictures School work Any school accounts / information Noone wants to see this information on some pages because it's your privacy. Trojans are made every day by the programers with new options and with better encryption so the Anti-Trojan software can't detect them.So noone knows how many are the trojans on the net. But the programmers are still programming trojans and they will continue in the future. Technically, a trojan could appear almost anywhere, on any operating system or platform. However, with the exception of the inside job mentioned previously, the spread of trojans works very much like the spread of viruses. Software downloaded from the Internet, especially shareware or freeware, is always suspect. Similarly, materials downloaded from underground servers or Usenet newsgroups are also candidates.There are thousand of programs with not checked source and new programs are appearing every day especially the freeware one so they can all be trojans. So be careful what you're downloading and from where you're downloading it