ACiD Shivers (a)

Modified by Toasty

Written in Visual Basic

Released in November 1998

more versions

This is a list of the commands implemented so far :

Help (Command)		- Lists most of the commands (description of command)
HIDE <PID>		- Hide a task from control + alt + delete
SHOWs <PID> 		- Show a hidden task in control + alt + delete
DIR			- List Contents of Current Directory
LS		        - List Contents of Current Directory
CD <dir> 		- Change To Specified Directory/Drive
CLS 			- Clear Screen
KILL 			- Kill Process by PID (Shown in PS)
PS 			- Shows Running Processes
DEL <file>  		- Deletes Specified Files
PORT <#> 		- Change Port Acid Shiver Listens on (Until Next Reboot)
DESK 			- Change to default Windows Desktop folder
RECENT 			- Change to Windows Recent folder
WSFTP 			- Change to default WS_FTP folder
VERSION			- Show Version Number of Acid Shiver
DRIVES 			- Show physical, RAM, CD-ROM, and Network drives
BOUNCE <host> <port> 	- Relay connection to host on port, Control + C to abort
S			- Sendkeys to active window
MACADDR 		- Show ethernet stats and physical address
NAME <name> 		- Rename the users computer
ENV 			- Shows DOS Environment variables
BEEP <#> 		- Beeps the specified number of times
CDROM 			- Type 'CDROM' for more information
DIE 			- Terminate Acid Shiver
LABEL <Drive> 		- Rename a specified disk drive
SHUTDOWN 		- Type 'Shutdown' for more information
DRIVE <Drive> 		- Retrives information on specified drive
KS <Socket #> 		- Disconnect a session by socket index show in 'STATUS'
TIME 			- Shows users current system time
DATE 			- Shows users current system date
INFO 			- Shows some general system information about host and user
STATUS 			- Show the state of all sockets used since last reboot
CAT <filename> 		- Retrieve specified file
GET <filename> 		- Retrieve specified file
BCAT <filename> 	- Retrieve specified file in hex form
BGET <filename>		- Retrieve specified file in hex form
CMD <Shell Command> 	- Run the specified shell command
SH <command> 		- Run the specified command and display results (may lock up)
MKDIR <path>		- Make a new directory
RMDIR <path> 		- Remove a directory and all files and subdirectories inside
COPY <file1> <file2> 	- copy file1 to file2



size: 186.368 bytes

port: random

