AIM Evil Doer

By The Prynce

Written in Visulal Basic

Released in 2002

***HOW TO USE***

1)  Open AIM Evil Doer Editor.
2)  Enter your IP in the top text box and enter the port in which you will
    be listening on for passwords.
3)  Click the 'Save' button.
4)  Close AIM Evil Doer Editor and send Prynceton Multi-Tool to your victim
    along with prynceton.dll.  (The file is shown to them as a program that lets
    them either generate passwords or go to certain sites including the site
    where you can get a working AIM booter.  You will probably have to tell them
    what it is before they'll accept so that's what you should say)
5)  Open AIM Evil Doer Main and listen on the port which you speficied in step 2.
6)  Wait for their passwords.

port: 80 TCP
