by IT Corp
Compressed with PE-Pack
Released in december 2002
Advanced Stealth Email Redirector (Advanced SER) is a program that sends the copies of all outgoing emails. Advanced SER monitors outgoing traffic of email client software and intercepts all sending emails. Then program sends out intercepted emails to specified email addresses. Advanced Stealth Email Redirector (Advanced SER) do not intercepts emails are sending from web-based email services like a, etc. IT Corp Server: c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\vmaser.exe size: 50.688 bytes startup: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "ASER" file added: c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\vmaser.vxd registry added: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VMASER remark: local installationMegaSecurity