Basic Backdoor

by White Scorpion

Written in Win32 ASM, source included

Released in February 2005

Basic Backdoor:

this backdoor listens to port 31337.

You can change the name into anything you want and you can put the exe anywhere you like, 
the program will set registry entries causing it to boot up when windows boots.

if you wish to change the program yourself (change portnumber) you will need to reassemble
it again. The program is written in Win32 ASM (Masm syntaxis).

This program is just a basic backdoor. 
Don't ask for custom ones, just write them yourself ;-)

Don't use this program to do anything illegal. I do not tell you to nor am i responsible
for your actions. This program goes without any warranty whatsoever. 
If you use it you are responsible for it!

for the rest, have fun with it ;-)


White Scorpion

size: 4,096 bytes

port: 31337 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "messenger"

tested on Windows XP
April 12, 2006
