by ^Cold^
Released in February 1998
Bugs Fixed In DT v2.1 - Fixed bug that Sound volume wasn't displayed when the server was run Improved Password Stealing so there should be no more File read errors and you won't have to wait 5 seconds anymore Fixed the Encryption bug that disabled online icq alert and the server password - But I didn't have time to implement a new encyption method. This will happen in the next released hopefully. So Unfortunatly in this release it maybe possable for some one to retreave the online alert icq uin Fixed the show picture it looks at little less fucked up to the host now! Wallpaper bug that if you gave it a file that wasn't a bitmap and the wallpaper wasn't changed it still said that the wallpaper had been changed Freeze Mouse Bug Where there was no reply that the mouse had been frozen or unfrozen Existing Bug - Icq Online Alert Probably won't work on cable modems becuase Deept can't detect when they go online. It can only detect RAS connections ^Cold^ Server: size: 307.398 bytesMegaSecurity