Download & Execute
(Not detected by KAV on February 09, 2008)

by MaNgEy_CaT

Written in Visual Basic

Released in May 2000

Download & Execute, © MaNgEy_CaT 2004
was made for the purpose of downloading a specified file at a specified time.
not just executable programs, but every file used in windows, providing
that you know the programs "Mother" - the Program that generates 
the subprogram, e.g:

| "Notepad.exe"  |       -->      |         ".txt"|
| "Word.exe"     |       -->      |         ".doc"| 
| "mspaint.exe"  |       -->      | ".jpeg & .bmp"|
| "winamp.exe"   |       -->      |  ".mp3 & .avi"|
| "Explorer.exe" |       -->      |         ".exe"| 

and so on and so forth....
An example layout has been included to help you in your downloads.

Special Note: A use of this program is downloading & executing trojan horse servers. If you know HTML, you can set up your own webpage that can be a source for this program.. for example you
could store your malicious files on this section of website which would
be navigated to by this program, so all your files are at the ready.
