Eclypse 1.0

by Xylo

Written in Visual Basic

Released in January 2000

more versions

			 eclypse v1.0
by Xylo

Welcome to the first version of eclypse!

1st, the server, the first time YOU run the server you will
not get infected, instead a password change box will come up
it is very important that you read the info. in this box. But
the next time you run it you will so if you are going to give
this to someone then it's a good idea to do this first, however,
you must include the file: "sstup.eps" this file contains the 
password, and you must also tell them to copy the files to
their hard drive, then run them.

questions, comments, suggestions to: [email protected]

size: 57.344 bytes

port: 65390 TCP
