EclYpse 1.0 beta

by Del_Armg0

Written in Delphi

more versions

				|      EclYpse.exe      |
				|     S0lar _ Tr0jan 	|

UDP / FTP Trojan - designed by Del_Armg0 -  30July1999 (c) - Magic¤°Software - [email protected]

Server can be renamed  &  he starts each boot and listen for u ... ;)

SOMETHING IMPORTANT !!! :  Be patient !
Sometimes Server says 'oki! ftp is on', u have to wait a bit before to connect.
Same thing for the Connect button, before connect, wait for the victim launched
the server, he will tell u 'Hey ! nothing happen!', so now u can connect!
If it doesnt work, disconnect client, wait 2 or 3 minutes and reconnect!
And it will work  ;))  - it's just a beta version, so...  hehehe  but it works fine!
| features :																							   |
|A really simple Trojan, rename and send the server to a victim, so with the client :
|EclYpse1.exe connect to the victim's I.P., now you can open a FTP session   ; )	 ;
|open now your FTP Client and connect to the victim's I.P. on port 3791 - anonymous
|login.  That's all !!! Really easy to use !  Client use UDP protocol to communicate
|with server. Oki, Enjoy this tool, and come in France to see Total Sun Eclipse  : ))																					   |
| Author is not responseble of what u do with this tool! Be c00l!! Be Zen!!  Don't Destroy !!! Be Hidden !


Del_Armg0 is on:  *Undernet: #ad&d_fr
			    *** #hack

Greetz to  Trov, W0de, ElsA, Shen_Go, Wargob, Jany, Ltof, KELLY and AL !!!, Aropas, TrojansLair Members (Bravo!!) 

@@ S0lar_Tr0jan - designed by Del_Armg0 - July1999 - MagicÏøSoftware - [email protected]_@@
Author is not responsable of what u do with this tool! Be c00l!! Be Zen!!
L'auteur n'est pas responsable de ce que vous faites avec cet outil !!!!!
[ ECLYPSE v.1.0beta ]


size: 267 KB

port: 3800 TCP

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Rnaapp" 
