Exploiter 1.3 Beta

by ap0calaps

Written in Delphi, compressed with UPX

Released in October 2000

more versions

Exploiter 1.3 Beta ( This is only a beta release and not much of anything will work so just
wait for the full version )
For Gatecrasher 
Designed by ap0calaps
Default Port = 21554

Complaints, Compliments, bugs ( There are a few known ) etc
Email   [email protected] or [email protected]
ICQ   61953894

				 Features and Things in Client

I havn't given a detailed Features list yet so I thought I would.... This could take a while

[-- Main Page --]

Enter Port + IP   --   Lists previously used ip's and port's
Connect   --   Connect to your victim 
Ping Server   --   Check for a connection
ListBox   --   Lists all the commands that you have entered
SaveList   --   Save the contents of the Listbox as Log.txt
ClearList   --   Clear all items in the Listbox
Mini Browser   --   Surf the net while using exploiter ( Handy for switching over )
About   --   About Exploiter 1.3
Contact   --   How to contact me

[-- IP Tools --]

Lookup hostname   --   Lookup an address e.g www.ap0calaps.com = 127.389.345
Local IP   --   Get your own ip
Reverse Lookup   --   Reverse the look up of a host e.g 127.389.345 = www.ap0calaps.com

[-- File Manager --]

Refresh File Manager   --   Refresh files
Make Directory   --   Make a directory on the victims computer
Upload / Download   --   Upload and Download files from the victims computer
Show Picture   --   Show a picture on the victims screen
Play Sound   --   Play a sound on the victims computer
Run File   --   Execute a file type
Print File   --   Print a file on the victims computer

[-- Application Manager --]

Get Applications   --   Get running applications
Kill Application   --   Kill a running application

[-- Fun Options --]

Send Message   --   Send a customized windows message on the victims computer
Open URL   --   Open a url on the victims computer
Change Wallpaper   --   Change victims wallpaper
Messages   --   Displays 5 messages over and over until you stop it
Open / Close CD-Rom   --   Open and Close the victims cd-rom
Hide / Show Task Bar   --   Hide or Show the victims taskbar
Moniter Off / On   --   Turnt the moniter on and off
Beep On / Off   --   Turn beeping on or off - Enter key must be pressed in order to activate
Disable / Enable Alt Tab   --   Disable and Enable Alt-Tab
Disable / Enable C-A-D   --   Disable and Enable Ctrl Alt Delete
Turn Num lock On / Off   --   Turn Number lock On / Off
Turn Caps lock On / Off   --   Turn Caps lock On / Off
Hide / Show Start Button   --   Hide or show the windows start button
Swap Mouse   --   Swap the mouse buttons
Same Mouse   --   Victims mouse moves the same way as your mouse
Hide / Show Mouse Cursor   --   Hide or Show the mouse cursor
Change mouse posistion   --   Change the mouse posistion

[-- More Options --]

Get Recorded Passwords  --  Get recorded passwords e.g dialup passwords or hotmail passwords
Icq Passwords   --   Get recorded icq passwords ( Only works with older versions like 98 )
AIM Passwords   --   Doesnt always work but anyway gets you Aol Instant Messenger Passwords
Delete Passwords   --   Deletes users recorded passwords

[-- More Options + FTP Client --]

Connection Options   --   Host, User, Pass, Port
Connect / Disconnect   --   Connect to selected FTP server
Proxy Options   --   Connect through a proxy server
Change Dir   --   Change directory
Delete File   --   Delete files
File / Dir List   --   List files and dirs
Download / Upload    --   Download and Upload files through the FTP Server
Create / Remove Dir   --   Create and Remove Directorys

[-- More Options --]

FTP On / Off   --   Start an FTP Server on victims computer
Remote Pager   --   Send remote icq pagers through victims computer
Remote Email   --   Send remote emails through victims computer
Crash Comp   --   Crash victims computer
Crazy Computer   --   Runs all the options in the fun manager over and over
Stop Crazy   --   Stop the computer going crazy
Chat  --  A simple chat program ( hardly ever works - I'll fix it in 1.4 )
Kill Modem   --   Hang up the victims modem
ShutDown   --   Shutdown the victims computer
Force   --   Forces the victims computer to shut down immediatley
Restart   --   Restarts the computer
Restart DOS   --   Restart the computer in Dos
Log Off   --   Logsoff the victims computer
Power Off   --   Turns of the computers power
Get time   --   Get the victims time
Set time 00-00   --   Sets the victims time to 00-00-00
Serial Number   --   Gets the computers serial number
Version   --   Gets the server version
Rename Rec-Bin   --   Rename the recycle bin to your choice
Default start page   --   Change the default start page for Ie
Download  URL   --   Download files  computer from a url and send icq pager when done

[-- Display --]

Get Display   --   Get display modes
Change Display   --   Change the display mode of the computer e.g 1080x1278
Capture Screen   --   Capture the victims screen

[-- Timer Manager --]

Click on the help and commands button for more info

[-- Server Options --]

Kill Server   --   Stops the server from running
Command   --   Senda manual command
Server Info   --   Get Server information e.g Windows Key
Update Http   --   Update the server from a http
Update Local   --   Update the server from a local file
Update FTP   --   Update the server from a FTP Server
Icq notification   --   Icq notification when victim is online
Email Notification   --   Send email notification when victim is online

[----------   Thats all for now. The next version of exploiter will have even    ----------]
[----------   more functions including EditServer ( Finnaly )  Irc Bot and skins ----------]
[----------   plus more. Have fun using Exploiter 1.3.                           ----------]
[--------------------------------------- ap0calaps ----------------------------------------]     





size: 245.760  bytes 

port: 22554 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Server" 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Server.exe" 
