Fearless Webdownloader 2.0

by triforce

Server written in Assembly
Editor written in Visual Basic

more versions

Fearless Downloader version 2.0

Nothing much to write or read here, the program is pretty self explanatory.

Usage :
Open Generator.exe, fill in the 2 settings with your own and hit [Make Server]
A few seconds later and your newly assembled server will be created in the same 
directory called server.exe
You can then pack this with the packer.exe, to decrease the file size down to
about 1.3k or less.

In this version you may use an icon. I have supplied a small built in library
for your use. Remeber that using an icon will increase the file size ... 
so you will not get it below under 1.3k. But it should still pack down to 2k.
Icons are optional !!

size: 3 KB

