Ghost-Bot 0.58

by Positron

Written in Delphi, compressed with UPX

Other versions

Features:                                                                         ;
;          - SpyBot compatible commands,                                            ;
;          - AV/FW killer,                                                          ;
;          - CD-Key Stealer,                                                        ;
;          - Mydoom spreader,                                                       ;
;          - NetBIOS spreader,                                                      ; 
;          - Encrypted strings in EXE,                                              ;
;          - Web-server (,                              ;
;          - API search engine by CRC32 (used only for important APIs),             ;
;          - KeyLogger (Keylog file can be download from webserver too),            ;
;          - P2P spreader (Kazaa, Edonkey, Morpheus, XoloX, ShareAza, LimeWire,     ;
;          - Prepend all .exe files in shared dirs if they are smaller than 5MB,    ;
;          - Support DCC SEND, DCC GET, DCC CHAT and topic commands.                ;

   -LogOut when BOT disconnect fixed,
   -!logout command added,
   -GetNick and DownloadFile functions are fixed,
   -!rawclones command fixed,
   -almost all strings are encrypted in compiled .exe,
   -!redirect and !stopredirect commands are added.

dropped file:
size: 35.128 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "PVIEW95"
data: C:\WINDOWS\ape1xnN5.exe
does (try to) connect to an IRC server

tested on Windows XP
15 November 2004
