Insane 5.0

by Suid Flow

Written in Visual C++

more versions

                         I N S A N E   N E T W O R K   5.0

	  added onto the XTCP trojan by ShadowPenguin Systems Inc
          More improvements to come!!!
          check out our site at
                  For those wondering why there is no client program,                   try using telnet :)
                  the server runs on port -2000
                  yes, thats a negative sign next to the port
                  most port scanners(also the netstat -a command)                        don't scan for negative ports, so it's much safer

                  (1) ls
                  Shows files in the specified folder.
                  The output is displayed in the following order: attribute filename size date.
                  The attributes are
                  a: Archive
                  d: Directory
                  h: Hidden file
                  r: ReadOnly file
                  s: System file.

                  However, unlike usual ls, you have to include the * in the path

                  ls c:\*.*  <Display all files in c:\>:
                  ls c:\windows\*.ini <Display all .ini files in c:\windows>

                  (2) cat
                  Views the contents of a text file.
                  Example: cat c:\Setuplog.old

                  (3) cp
                  Copys a file
                  Example: cp c:\Setuplog.old c:\windows\aaa

                  (4) rm
                  Deletes a file.

                  (5) ren
                  Renames a file

                  (6) exec
                  Runs a program, parameters are allowed.
                  Please note that if running a Windows GUI application, that application window
                  will be opened "suddenly" on the target PC.

                  (7) mktext
                  Creates a text file.
                  [r00t]#mktext c:\test.txt
                  aaa bbb
                  ^D          ctrl+D = ends input

                  (8) popup
                  Popup a message dialog on the target Windows
                  Example: popup Hello. I've hacked your PC. Sorry.

                  (9) shutdown
                  Shutdown the target PC.

                  (10) reboot
                  reboot the target PC.

                  (11) passwd 
                  Cracks the dial-up password

                  (12) telnet
                  Same as telnet.
                  telnet IPADDRESS PORT

                  (13) regrun [-c][-d][-l]
                  Sets autorun option, adds value in the key

                  <1> regrun -c trojan c:\windows\trojan.exe
                  trojan.exe will be executed when Windows is booted.

                  <2> regrun -l
                  List all autorun programs

                  <3> regrun -d trojan
                  Remove trojan from autorun

                  (14) logout
                  Just as the name says

     		  (15) cad [-e][-d]
			cad -e: enable control-alt-delete
			cad -d: disable control-alt-delete

                 //annoying screen functions

                 (20) task[-e][-d]
			task -e: enable taskbar
			task -d: disable taskbar
                 Decrypts the file-sharing passwords
           	 If it doesn't return any info,they don't have sharing enabled.. :)

~Suid Flow

size: 121 KB

port: 63536 TCP

