Laocoon 1.0

by MrC

Written in Delphi

Released in October 2001


1.)  can connect to other computers
2.)  extremely fast IP-Scanner
3.)  can get Server-Info
4.)  can close the server
5.)  can remove the server
6.)  can spy all pressed key from the server
7.)  can control the mouse
8.)  can put the cursor on given coordinations
9.)  can send a text to the open window
10.) can spy all the cached passwords from the system
11.) can open an ftp-server
12.) can execute URL's and Files
13.) can open/close the cdrom
14.) can switch the monitor on/off
15.) can lock all the input (keyboard/mouse..)
16.) can hide the startbutton
17.) can hide the taskbar
18.) can hide all desktop-icons
19.) can reboot the machine
20.) can shutdown the machine


Server: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ size: 198.656 bytes port: 14285, 14286, 14287 TCP startup: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run