Liciaa Fwb Downloader 1.0

by Prince Ali

Written in Delphi

Released in July 2003

more versions

++Liciaa fwb Downloader 1.0++

Liciaa fwb Downloader
-Fwb Download
-P2P Spreading
-Extension Creation
-PHP Notification

Disclamair :
Liciaa fwb downloader was Created for Private uses only if 
u are planning to use it in bad way this is your problem i 
takes NO responsibility for the way you use it.

Fwb Download
Liciaa is a firewall bypass downloader.

URL : Link to the file u desire downloading and running it.
LOC : Location on Local Disk after downloading.

P2P Spreading
Liciaa is able to Spread itself on p2p Programs this way will get u more vics.
Choose 10 names for your shared files.
Enable Kazaa Spreading : this will create a directory and share it on kazaa hiddenly.
Enable Misc Spreading   : this will copy the files to the default shared directories of most p2p softwares.

Extension Creation
Liciaa is able to create executable extension of ur choice 
before downloading the files this give u abillity to download and run your 
file with any extension.

Liciaa will notify you using a php script  .

PHP loger Link : Link to log.php .
Generate Loger : This will Create containing 2 files
(log.php) and (log.html) upload them both to ur host,and link log.php 
in the editor.

Notification is fwb too you will get notifications in log.html.

Editing Server
-Load liciaa.dll.
-Read Settings.
-Edit settings.
-Save settings

Prince Ali

size: 21.504 bytes

