MSN Spy Lite 1.0

by starlight2003

Written in Visual Basic

Released in January 2005

more versions

MSN Spy Lite v1.0
by starlight2003

Logs the following details and saves them to localhost:

- Email Address
- Nickname
- User status
- Unread Mails
- Service ID
- Received Files Dir
- Contact List
- Contact History

Server Builder:

- Install Name:   Filename to install in sysdir, leave out extention.
- Reg Value:      Reg value to create for startup.
- Log Folder:     Folder to create in <sysdir> to save logs.

                  Logs are saved in following two files, which means
                  you only need to download two files periodically
                  with your favourite trojan horse.

                  msnlog.log    [contains all conversation logs]
                  contacts.log  [contains all user contacts]

- Settings are encrypted.

- How to remove:
  Delete <regvalue> you specified in registry by searching for it.
  Delete <sysdir>\<install name> you specified.
  Delete <sysdir>\<offline log> folder you specified.

- Known bugs:
  On some MSN versions you get empty contact list and contact history,
  this sometimes happens if user is not logged into msn when the program

Tested on WinXP.

Beta testers:

Editserver example and example of using msn api by Alchemist.
Skin by unknown.


dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\system32\%servername.exe%     size: 15,430 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\sysdir\contacts.log  size: 22 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\sysdir\msnlog.log    size: 239 bytes 

added to registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "%servername%"
data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\%servername.exe% 

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "%servername%"
    Type: REG_SZ 
    Data: C:\WINDOWS\System32\%servername.exe% 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "MSMSGS"
data: "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background 

tested on Windows XP
January 18, 2005
