MSN cookie 1.0

by koR

Written in Visual Basic

Released on july 12, 1999

more versions

MsnCookie  v 1.0

The idea behind this program is for it to be used in conjuction
with a remote access trojan. It fools an unsuspecting user into 
suppling you with their confidential Hotmail information.
Here is how it works.
Once you have connected with your target host, upload 
msncookie.exe into a directory and run it.
Hopefully the person on the other end of the connection will
be convinced that they need to input their Hotmail Login Name
and Password.  The pop-up looks very decide.

Whatever information they input is saved to a file in their C:\ root.
It is called:

That file is updated every time a user submits information
to msncookie.exe.

Download msnwin.dll from the host's C:\ root directory and
open it with a text editor to read the Login Name and Password.
Or just watch their keystrokes for the same information when you
run the program.
At any rate, MsnCookie is a much better method to gain
Hotmail user data than simply sending the host user to the
Hotmail Login screen via URL.  Most people get very concerned
when their browser decides to do things without their input.

MsnCookie was created to show your friends how easy they can
be fooled.  Please do not abuse.

Have Fun!

tALos IV
July 12, 1999
This program was beta tested by a group of friends who achieved 
over a tremendous success rate. 

Known Issues:
Since this program was written in Visual Basic 5, it depends 
on some files from the VB5 runtime files in order to run properly. 
Most people have them already installed. Just hope your friend does, 
or make sure the following files exist in his or her system folder:
