by ?
Released in April 2005
MsnFunMaker is a very easy tool, that can be used to mess with peoples MsnMessenger. Just let someone (who has MSNMessenger) open the .exe-file OR the .pif-file included in the This person will go offline and come back online again, as soon as he/she comes back again you can start messing arround. How to mess? Just start a conversation with this person and type and send one of the following messages: _spy All messages your victim receives or sends from persons in her/his msnlist will be send to you. So actually you're spying on that person. _message+email+(text) When you receive a message from your victim, you not only receive the text, but also who has send it. When you found a person in your victims list you can use this function to send a MSNmessage to that person by your victims MSN. At the place email you'll type the MsnAdress of the person in your victims MSNlist, at the place of text you'll type the text he or she should received from your victim. Please be aware of the ( and the ). You should not forget those cause that could let MsnFunMaker crash. name(text) Change the nickname of your victim by typing this command. Also be aware again of the ( and ). _nosend This command will not allow your victim to send any MsnMessages anymore. She won't sense that she her MsnBuddies are not receiving from her anymore. _noreceive This command will not allow your victim to receive any MsnMessages anymore. _dosend Make _nosend undone. _doreceive Make _noreceive undone. _logout Let your victim logout from Msn with this command. msg(text) Let popup a messagebox with the 'text' you have to replace for your own message. www(text) This command will open a website in front of your victim... Lol nasty thoughts... _restart This command will let WindowsXP sign off. _cdopen This command will open the DVD/CDplayer of your victim. Server: size: 219,648 bytes tested on Windows XP September 17, 2007MegaSecurity