Whack-A-Mole 1.1

by Ecoli

Released in August 1998

more versions

Whack Job	V 1.1		Brought to you by Ecoli
Here's how to play a great PC joke on your networked friend...

1.  First you need to know the IP address of your friends PC.  
If a PC is connected to a network or is connected to the Internet it 
probably has an IP address.  To find the IP address, go to your 
friends PC - If the PC is Win9x, type winipcfg in the Start>Run box.
If it's an NT system, type ipconfig at the cmd prompt.  If you can't
get to his PC, there are other ways of getting the address, which I 
won't go into - just get his IP or at least the first 3 octets of the IP.

2.  Next, you need to make sure you can make a TCP/IP connection
to his/her PC.  If you work with him in the office, you probably can.
But if you want to make the connection from home - his company 
may use a proxy or firewall that will prevent the connection.  Good
candidates are people that have cable modems, office mates, and 
people with other types of dedicated lines.

3.  Next, mail the file whackamole.exe to your friend and tell him its
a cool game he/she should check out.  

4.  Next, run netbus.exe on your PC and type in his/her IP address
and click connect.

Have fun!
I am releasing this program because I think it really can be something
fun to use - by all means I disapprove of using this program to cause 
any damage or put someone in grief by altering or deleting their files
without their permission.  While I realize that it can be used for illegal 
or evil purposes, I also feel it is an amazing program that will wake 
people up in seeing the truth in how safe their PC is.  People are
getting too comfortable with their PCs...

"I've got NT, so I'm safe"
"People that have security issues should run NT - 
a program like back orifice won't work in NT"
"As long as you practice safe computing, it won't happen to you"
---Yeah right

Thanks to Carl-Fredrik Neikter for creating Netbus, a truly amazing program.


dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\explore.exe                    Size: 472,576 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\KeyHook.dll                    Size: 54,784 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\system32\windrivers.log        Size: 40 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\Temp\~WZS2F3B.TMP\run.bat      Size: 50 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\Temp\~WZS2F3B.TMP\whack.exe    Size: 144,400 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "explore"
data: C:\WINDOWS\explore.exe /nomsg 

tested on Windows XP
February 26, 2006
