Nuclear Rootkit 1.0 (a)

by Princeali

Released in December 2005

Nuclear Rootkit 1.0

This rootkit perfom a user level Hook on Certain APIs , allowing you to Hide or modify some items on the NT Based OS (NT/2000/Xp/2k3) .

*Process Hiding
*Files / Dirs Hiding
*Registry keys Hiding
*Connection in Netstat hiding
*Modules (dll) Hiding
*Application Block
*Connection Block
*Persistence (Undeletable , Unrenamable , Unmovable)

* Add the Files Names / Reg keys / Ports ect ... to the list in the Section you want and Click the Create Button.
* To Check if The Rootkit is Already Running on you , Click Check Result .
*You Can Save / load your Settings any time using Load Script / Save Script in the Context menu , I included a sample script called 
samplescript.nsf you can load it directly in the rootkit editor .

Benefits / Hints

Hide Process(s) totally from the task manager.

Hint : Add Exact processes name for example (notepad.exe)

Hide Directory(s) or File(s) from windows explorer.

Hint : Add Exact File or Directory Name for example (notepad.exe � Ali)

Hide Registry Value(s) from the registry editor and MSConfig.

Hint : Add Exact Registry Strings for example (hello)

Hide connections on / though any port(s) in netstat.

Hint : Add Ports and Protocols , for example (80 � http � smtp � 25 ect�)

Hide Modules in specific processes from any module explorer.

Hint : Add the Process Name then the module name , please note that
       Some firewalls might block network access to the process u 
       Have chosen to hide a module in it .

Application Block
Block explorer from executing a list of applications

Hint : Add Exact file name for example (file.exe)

Connection Block
Block applications from connecting to anything 

Hint : Add Exact processes name for example (iexplore.exe)

Protect Directory(s) or File(s) from being deleted / renamed / moved 

Hint : Add Exact processes name for example (notepad.exe , Directory ,ect�)

afxcodehook - aphex
peb  - erazer


dropped files:
c:\WINDOWS\nkit.dll       Size: 44,544 bytes 
c:\WINDOWS\Rootkit.exe    Size: 27,648 bytes 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion "shitbit"
data: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "hello"
data: C:\WINDOWS\Rootkit.exe 

tested on Windows XP
December 31, 2005
