by Splinter
Written in Visual Basic
Released in October 2005
Omerta 1.2.2 ############## This is Omerta 1.2 build 2. Build 2 is different to v1.2 build 1 since it provides the following changes: * File manager fixed * Screencapture fixed * Remote DOS fixed * Matrix emulator fixed. Splinter Server: dropped files: c:\WINDOWS\msnmsgr.exe Size: 467,438 bytes c:\WINDOWS\Protocol.dat Size: 72 bytes c:\WINDOWS\system32\msnmsgr.exe Size: 467,438 bytes startup: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "(Default)" data: C:\WINDOWS\System3232\msnmsgr.exe / HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "(Default)" data: C:\WINDOWS\System3232\msnmsgr.exe / tested on Windows XP October 08, 2005MegaSecurity