by kidarcade (?)
Released in December 2001
added: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htafile "NeverShowExt" HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\htafile\DefaultIcon "(Default)" HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings "EnableAutodial" added files: c:\WINDOWS\$.tmp c:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.PIF c:\WINDOWS\update.bat c:\WINDOWS\Wininit.ini remark: By visiting a prepared webpage a VBScript is executed. This script does add values to the registry and does create and execute a bat file. This bat file does start ftp.exe with the commands -v -i -n -s:%windir%\$.tmp. $.temp contains the commands to download a file named 1.exe from ip and execute it.MegaSecurity