Psychward 1.0

by evilgoat

Released in December 2000

more versions

notes about irc notify

this version of psychward requires the user to login before the bot will respond to any commands.


!login <server password>    - log into bot, required for others commands
!op <nick>                  - if the bot has op status, will op the given nick
pwD <url>                   - downloads the url and executes the file
pwR                         - (only in private message) the bot will reconnect to the irc server
pwclose                     - (only in private message) closes the server
pwdie                       - (only in private message) removes the server
osver                       - makes the bot display the victims operating system
pwX                         - same as pwclose, but doesnt have the private message only restriction
pwinfo                      - make the bot spit out it's info, such as: version, ip address, port, owner string, password and the system uptime in hours


dropped file:
size: 23.072 bytes
port: 13013 TCP

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "WinVxd"
data: C:\WINDOWS\winvxd.exe 

tested on Windows 98
November 19, 2004
