Remote Connection 2.1 (b)

by Moffett, modified by Tucker

Written in Visual Basic

Released in November 2002

more versions

This is a Client/Server program. It allows access to another computer via the

The programs has the following attributes:              
                *Connects to the remote computer via the IP address
                *Access to files (download/delete)
                *Keylogger on the remote computer
                *Desktop screen capture of the remote computer
                *Able to shutdown/logoff/restart remote computer
                *Able to start up Web browser at the address of your choice
                *One way messaging to the remote computer
                ***NEW to Version 2.1***
                *Password protection
                *Able to run pogram(s) on remote computer
                *Able to shutdown server program on remote computer
The Server Specs:
To run the server on a remote computer, just run the setup file to install.
It installs the program in file folder called: "remote connection server", puts a string in the
registry that allows it to run at startup and puts a DLL file in the windows/
system folder (the dll is used for desktop capturing).The default password is:
default. The password is in the file pwd.jpg in the application's directory.
To change the password, simply load the file into notepad . To uninstall the program-
you simply use the uninstall in the app. folder. This will not delete the
folder and program if it is running. Restart the computer and manually delete
the folder. This program is not visible to the user. The port 1001 is used for

The Client Specs:
To run this program you simply run the client_setup.exe. A valid IP address must
be entered for this program to work. The desktop capture picture(JPG) will
be saved in the application's location and will be timestamped. The keylog
file will also be saved in the applications's location and will be timestamped.

This program only works on Windows 95/98/ME/2000.
Remote Connection was programmed using Visual BASIC 6.0 language.

Version 2.1
      * Able to run a program(s) on remote computer  
      * Remote shutdown of server program.
      * Password Protection.

size: 49.152 bytes

port: 1001 TCP


