Remote Shut 1.2

by YingKit

Compressed with ASPack

Released on March 4, 1999

Made in China

more versions

What is RemoteShut?
RemoteShut is a program used to shutdown a remote computer which a server has been installed.

General Features:
	Supports shutdown, restart and logoff
	Supports TCP/IP
	Supports LAN
	Server can be password protected

How to shutdown a remote computer?
Install and start the server :
	Run RSServer.exe.  (It will hide in the system tray, double click it to restore it)
	Start the server by clicking the "Start Server" button.

Stop the server :
	Stop the server by clicking the "Stop Server" button.

Shutdown the remote computer :
	Run RSClient.exe.
	Input the I.P. of the remote computer (example,
        Input the password if applicable.
	Click the "Connect" button to connect to the remote computer.
	Click  "Shutdown, Restart, LofOff" to shutdown, restart or logoff the remote computer.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q : What is I.P.?
A : the abbreviation of Internet Protocol. You will be assigned a different I.P. each time you dial to the internet.

Q : What is LAN?
A : Local Area Network.

Q : Why can't I shutdown the remote computer which the server has already been installed?
A : Please make sure that the server has been started and you have input a valid password(if any).

Q : Is it possible to make the server start itself automatically when executed?
A : Yes.  The server will save its status(started/stopped) before the shutdown of the computer, it will set it back to the saved  status on the next execution.

History of RemoteShut
4/Mar/1999 : Version 1.2 released
	-Server can be password protected

19/Mar/1999 : Version 1.1 released
	-Remote shutdown the server is now possible
	-Server can be started automatically

1/Mar/1999 : Version 1.0 released


size: 129.536 bytes

port: 3000 TCP

